from amaranth import * from amaranth.sim import Simulator, Settle, Delay from enum import Enum, unique from hdl.utils import * from hdl.lib.in_out_buff import InOutBuff # used for timing analysis from hdl.core.alu import AluOpCodes from hdl.core.jump_ctl import JumpOpCodes from hdl.config import MACHINE_CODE_CSV import csv MAX_INSTR = 2**8 # do not change this, this is not configurable CL_NAMES = ['mode', 'valid_op', 'wb_en', 'alu_op', 'is_imm', 'jump_en', 'mem_wr_en', 'mem_rd_en', 'mem_rw_word'] class Control_LUT(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, csv_file, cl_names, **kargs): # cl_names is a list of control line in order of msb to lsb self.csv_file = csv_file self.cl_names = cl_names self.sim = kargs.get("sim", False) def elaborate(self, platform=None): pass #TODO: implment this to create signals with the same names as the control lines specified def create_lut(self): csv_raw = self._read_csv(self.csv_file) control_list = self._parse_csv(csv_raw) mem_width, slice_mapping = self._get_slice_mapping(control_list) print('debug') print(CL_NAMES) print(mem_width, slice_mapping) print(control_list[10]) print(self._create_entry(control_list[10]['data'], mem_width, slice_mapping)) # self.mem_init = self._create_mem_init(self.csv_parsed) # self.mem = Memory(width=len(self.cl_names) + 1, depth=MAX_INSTR, init=self.mem_init, simulate=self.sim) # one extra bit for valid opcode # read csv file and return a list of dictionaries def _read_csv(self, csv_file): with open(csv_file, 'r') as f: reader = csv.DictReader(f) return list(reader) def _get_slice_mapping(self, control_list): # helper function to count the number of bits in a number def count_bits(num:int): return len(bin(num)[2:]) # remove the '0b' prefix # find the max bit length of the control lines per entry max_width_list = [count_bits(cl) for cl in control_list[0]['data']] for entry in control_list: for i, cl in enumerate(entry['data']): max_width_list[i] = max(max_width_list[i], count_bits(cl)) # calculate how many bits for each entry mem_width = sum(max_width_list) slice_mapping = [] accum = 0 # generate the slice mapping for i, cl in enumerate(max_width_list): slice_mapping.append(slice(accum, accum + max_width_list[i])) accum += max_width_list[i] return mem_width, slice_mapping def _create_entry(self, control, mem_width, slice_mapping): # check that the slices map to the correct number of bits assert(slice_mapping[-1].stop == mem_width), 'slice mapping is not continuous, this is an internal error' def bin_stripped(num): return bin(num)[2:] def pad_zero(num_str, width): return '0' * (width - len(num_str)) + num_str # create the entry with all zeros entry_str_list = ['0'] * mem_width # fill in the control lines, lsb left, msb right for (cl, s) in zip(control, slice_mapping): entry_str_list[s.start:s.stop] = list(reversed(list(pad_zero(bin_stripped(cl), s.stop - s.start)))) # signals read from left to right, so reverse the string # conversion to int requires lsb right, msb left entry_str = ''.join(reversed(entry_str_list)) # convert to int entry = int('0b' + entry_str, 2) return entry def _parse_csv(self, csv_raw): csv_parsed = [] for row in csv_raw: tmp = {} tmp['opcode'] = int(row['opcode']) tmp['data'] = [] for cl in self.cl_names: try: tmp['data'].append(int(row[cl])) except KeyError: print(f'control line "{cl}" not found in csv file') raise csv_parsed.append(tmp) return csv_parsed def _alloc_mem(self, csv_parsed): pass def _create_init(self, csv_parsed): mem_init = [] for i in range(MAX_INSTR): mem_init.append(0) # init to 0, this sets all op codes to invalid for row in csv_parsed: assert(0 <= row['opcode'] < MAX_INSTR), "opcode out of range" assert((mem_init[row['opcode']] & 0x1) != 1), 'duplicate opcode, check the .csv file' for cl in row['data']: mem_init[row['opcode']] = cl return mem_init class Control(Elaboratable): def __init__(self, **kargs): self.instr_op = Signal(4, reset_less=True) # out opcodes self.alu_op = Signal(e2s(AluOpCodes)) self.jump_ctl_op = Signal(e2s(JumpOpCodes)) # syncronous control signals self.valid_op = Signal() self.wb_en = Signal() self.alu_op = Signal(e2s(AluOpCodes)) self.is_imm = Signal() self.jump_en = Signal() self.mem_wr_en = Signal() self.mem_rd_en = Signal() self.mem_rw_word = Signal() self.stall = Signal() self.int_sig = Signal() self.iret = Signal() = Signal() self.jump = Signal() # register control in self.int_en = Signal(1) self.user_mode = Signal(1) ports_in = [self.instr_op, self.alu_op, self.jump_ctl_op, self.wr_en, self.stall, self.int_sig, self.iret,, self.jump] ports_out = [] self.ports = {'in': ports_in, 'out': ports_out} self.sim = kargs.get("sim", False) def elaborate(self, platform=None): m = Module() # dummy sync for simulation only needed if there is no other sequential logic if self.sim == True: dummy = Signal() m.d.sync += dummy.eq(~dummy) ... return m # test addition # def test_hdl(): # dut = Control(sim=True) # def proc(): # yield from step #step clock # yield Settle() #needed if for combinatorial logic # yield dut.something #read value # sim(dut, proc) def test_control_mem_init(): lut = Control_LUT(MACHINE_CODE_CSV, CL_NAMES, sim=True) lut.create_lut() if __name__ == '__main__': test_control_mem_init() # hdl = InOutBuff(Control()) # cmd(hdl)