path: root/hdl/testing/simulation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hdl/testing/simulation')
2 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hdl/testing/simulation/ShiftReg.o b/hdl/testing/simulation/ShiftReg.o
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5d3c84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/testing/simulation/ShiftReg.o
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/vvp
+:ivl_version "12.0 (devel)" "(s20150603-1545-g93397e723)";
+:ivl_delay_selection "TYPICAL";
+:vpi_time_precision - 11;
+:vpi_module "/usr/local/lib64/ivl/system.vpi";
+:vpi_module "/usr/local/lib64/ivl/vhdl_sys.vpi";
+:vpi_module "/usr/local/lib64/ivl/vhdl_textio.vpi";
+:vpi_module "/usr/local/lib64/ivl/v2005_math.vpi";
+:vpi_module "/usr/local/lib64/ivl/va_math.vpi";
+S_0xf39680 .scope module, "tb_ShiftReg" "tb_ShiftReg" 2 1;
+ .timescale -9 -11;
+v0xf4a460_0 .var "clk", 0 0;
+v0xf4a520_0 .var "in0", 0 0;
+v0xf4a5f0_0 .net "out0", 7 0, v0xf4a200_0; 1 drivers
+v0xf4a6f0_0 .var "reset", 0 0;
+S_0xf39810 .scope module, "dut" "ShiftReg" 2 19, 3 8 0, S_0xf39680;
+ .timescale -9 -11;
+ .port_info 0 /INPUT 1 "reset";
+ .port_info 1 /INPUT 1 "clk";
+ .port_info 2 /INPUT 1 "in0";
+ .port_info 3 /OUTPUT 8 "out0";
+v0xf39a60_0 .net "clk", 0 0, v0xf4a460_0; 1 drivers
+v0xf4a140_0 .net "in0", 0 0, v0xf4a520_0; 1 drivers
+v0xf4a200_0 .var "out0", 7 0;
+v0xf4a2f0_0 .net "reset", 0 0, v0xf4a6f0_0; 1 drivers
+E_0xf23bd0/0 .event negedge, v0xf4a2f0_0;
+E_0xf23bd0/1 .event posedge, v0xf39a60_0;
+E_0xf23bd0 .event/or E_0xf23bd0/0, E_0xf23bd0/1;
+S_0xefdcf0 .scope begin, "SHIFTREG_SHIFTER" "SHIFTREG_SHIFTER" 3 25, 3 25 0, S_0xf39810;
+ .timescale -9 -11;
+ .scope S_0xf39810;
+T_0 ;
+ %wait E_0xf23bd0;
+ %fork t_1, S_0xefdcf0;
+ %jmp t_0;
+ .scope S_0xefdcf0;
+t_1 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0xf4a2f0_0;
+ %pad/u 32;
+ %cmpi/e 0, 0, 32;
+ %jmp/0xz T_0.0, 4;
+ %pushi/vec4 0, 0, 8;
+ %assign/vec4 v0xf4a200_0, 0;
+ %jmp T_0.1;
+T_0.0 ;
+ %load/vec4 v0xf4a200_0;
+ %parti/s 7, 1, 2;
+ %ix/load 4, 0, 0;
+ %ix/load 5, 0, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %assign/vec4/off/d v0xf4a200_0, 4, 5;
+ %load/vec4 v0xf4a140_0;
+ %ix/load 4, 7, 0;
+ %ix/load 5, 0, 0;
+ %flag_set/imm 4, 0;
+ %assign/vec4/off/d v0xf4a200_0, 4, 5;
+T_0.1 ;
+ %end;
+ .scope S_0xf39810;
+t_0 %join;
+ %jmp T_0;
+ .thread T_0;
+ .scope S_0xf39680;
+T_1 ;
+ %vpi_call 2 9 "$from_myhdl", v0xf4a6f0_0, v0xf4a460_0, v0xf4a520_0 {0 0 0};
+ %vpi_call 2 14 "$to_myhdl", v0xf4a5f0_0 {0 0 0};
+ %end;
+ .thread T_1;
+# The file index is used to find the file name in the following table.
+:file_names 4;
+ "N/A";
+ "<interactive>";
+ "./gen_verilog/tb_ShiftReg.v";
+ "./gen_verilog/ShiftReg.v";
diff --git a/hdl/testing/simulation/ShiftReg_sim.vcd b/hdl/testing/simulation/ShiftReg_sim.vcd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9d6dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hdl/testing/simulation/ShiftReg_sim.vcd
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ Thu Jun 23 23:03:17 2022
+ MyHDL 0.11
+ 1ns
+$scope module tb $end
+$var reg 1 ! clk $end
+$var real 1 " in0 $end
+$var reg 8 # out0 $end
+$var reg 1 $ reset $end
+$scope module logic0 $end
+$var reg 1 $ reset $end
+$var reg 1 ! clk $end
+$var real 1 " in0 $end
+$var reg 8 # out0 $end
+$upscope $end
+$upscope $end
+$enddefinitions $end
+s0 "
+b00000000 #
+s1 "
+b10000000 #
+b11000000 #
+b11100000 #
+b11110000 #
+b11111000 #
+b11111100 #
+b11111110 #
+b11111111 #
+s0 "
+b01111111 #
+b00111111 #
+b00011111 #
+b00001111 #
+b00000111 #
+b00000011 #
+b00000001 #
+b00000000 #