path: root/doc/src
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authorjjsuperpower <>2022-06-19 22:20:25 -0500
committerjjsuperpower <>2022-06-19 22:20:25 -0500
commit26169bec7ae7b85d938f5d3c6e969885f2230541 (patch)
tree86752721345fc913acc1d3f8f9e4fdd322c97ae9 /doc/src
added hdl folder
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+# About this Manual
+This manual describes the architecture and programming environment of a Vertex
+Mark I microprocessor. This manual applies to application programmers, operating
+system programmers and BIOS designers.
+## Notational Conventions
+This manual uses specific notation for data-structure formats, for symbolic
+representation and for hexadecimal and binary numbers. A review of this notation
+makes the manual easier to read.
+### Bit and Byte Order
+In illustrations of data structures in memory, smaller addresses appear toward
+the bottom of the figure; addresses increase toward the top. Bit positions are
+numbered from right to left. The numerical value of a set bit is two raised to
+the power of the bit position. Vertex processors are "little endian" machines;
+this means the bytes of a word are numbered starting from the least significant
+byte. Figure 1.1 illustrates these conventions.
+### Reserved Bits
+In many register and memory layout descriptions, certain bits are marked as
+**reserved**. When bits are marked as reserved, it is essential for
+compatibility with future processors that software treat these bits as having
+a future, but unknown, use. These bits should be treated as, not only undefined,
+but unpredictable.
+### Instruction Operands
+When instructions are represented symbolically, a subset of the Vertex-32
+assembly language is used. In this subset, an instruction has the following
+label: mnemonic argument1, argument2, argument3
+* A **label** is an identifier which is followed by a colon
+* A **mnemonic** is a reserved name for an instruction opcode
+* The operands *argument1*, *argument2* and *argument3* are optional. There may
+ be from zero to three operands, depending on the opcode.
+When three operands are present in an arithmetic or logical operation, the first
+operand is the destination register and the remaining two are either source
+registers or immediate values. For example:
+load: ADDI AX, BX, subtotal
+In this example, `ADDI` is the mnemonic identifier of an opcode, `AX` is the
+destination operand, and `BX` and `subtotal` are the source operands.
+### Hexadecimal and Binary Numbers
+Base 16 (hexadecimal) numbers are represented by a '0x' followed by a string of
+hexadecimal digits. A hexadecimal digit is a character from '0' to '9' and 'A'
+to 'F'. Base 2 (binary) numbers are represented by a string of 1s and 0s,
+sometimes preceded by '0b' (for example, 0b1010). The '0b' designation is only
+used in situations in which confusion about a number's base may arise.
+### Exceptions
+An exception is an event that typically occurs when an instruction causes an
+error. For example, an attempt to divide by zero generates a divide-by-zero
+exception. All exceptions provide either an error code or 0, indicating no
+error. An error code reports additional information about the error. For
+example, a page fault would provide a fault code indicating what caused the page
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+# Instruction Format
+## Instruction Format for V32 Mode
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+# Instruction Set Reference
+This chapter describes the instruction set for the Vertex-32 and Vertex-64
+architectures in V32 and V64 modes of operation. For each instruction, each
+operand combination is described, a description of the effect upon the FLG
+register and a summary of possible exceptions are also provided.
+## Registers
+Figure 3.1 shows the initial state of the registers in the ISA. For V32, the
+16 registers are each 32 bits wide. Register `0X` is hardwired with all bits
+equal to 0. General purpose registers `AX` to `GX` hold values that various
+instructions interpret as a collection of Boolean values, or as two's
+complement signed binary integers or unsigned binary integers. The registers
+`PTR`, `IDTR` and `CRX` are considered privileged and writing to them in the
+unprivileged state will generate a general protection fault.
+## Base Instruction Formats
+In the core V32 ISA, there are four instruction formats (C/I/R/J), as shown in
+Figure 3.3. All are a fixed 32 bits in length and must be aligned on a four-byte
+boundary in memory. An instruction alignment exception is generated if a branch
+or jump instruction is called on an address that is not four-byte aligned. No
+exception is generated on a branch or jump not taken.
+## Integer Instructions
+Most integer computational instructions operate on 32 or 64 bit values held in
+a register or memory location. Integer instructions are encoded as
+register-immediate operations using the I-type format or as register-register
+operations using the R-type format. The destination is `RD` for both
+register-immediate and register-register operations. If any of the following
+instructions cause an overflow or underflow, the overflow flag is set.
+### Integer-Register Instructions
+The instructions that follow are operations between registers; an attempt to use
+a non-register operand will result in an invalid opcode exception. The format
+for these exceptions follow Figure 3.4.
+#### ADD
+`ADD` adds the second and third operands and stores the result in the first
+#### SUB
+`SUB` subtracts the third operand from the second operand and stores the result
+in the first operand.
+#### MUL/MULU
+`MUL` multiplies the second operand by the third operand and stores the result
+in the first operand. `MULU` performs the same operation on unsigned integers.
+#### DIV/DIVU
+`DIV` divides the second operand by the third operand. The dividend is stored in
+the upper 16 bits of the first operand, and the remainder is stored in the lower
+16 bits. `DIVU` performs the same operation on unsigned integers.
+#### XOR
+`XOR` performs a bitwise 'exclusive or' operation between the second and third
+operands and stores the result in the first operand.
+#### OR
+`OR` performs a bitwise 'or' operation between the second and third operands and
+stores the result in the first operand.
+#### AND
+`AND` performs a bitwise 'and' operation between the second and third operands
+and stores the result in the first operand.
+#### LSL
+`LSL` performs a logical shift left. The second operand is shifted left by `n`
+bits, where `n` is the third operand. The result is stored in the first operand.
+#### LSR
+`LSR` performs a logical shift right. The second operand is shifted right by
+'n' bits, where 'n' is the third operand. The result is stored in the first
+#### ASR
+`ASR` performs an arithmetic shift right. The second operand is shifted right by
+'n' bits, where 'n' is the third operand. The result is stored in the first
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+# System Architecture Overview
+## Overview of the System-level Architecture
+The system-level architecture consists of a set of registers, data structures
+and instructions designed to support basic system management operations such as
+memory management, interrupt handling, task management and control of multiple
+processors. Figure 4.1 describes the registers and data structures relevant to
+V32 mode.
+## Memory Management Overview
+The Vertex-32 architecture provides several instructions that create and
+manipulate pages and page tables.
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+# Interrupt and Exception Handling
+This chapter describes the interrupt and exception-handling mechanism on a
+Vertex-32 or Vertex-64 processor.
+## Interrupts Overview
+Interrupts and exceptions are events that get triggered either upon a special
+condition or when the instruction `INT interrupt_number` is executed. Typically,
+an interrupt forces a transfer of execution from the currently executing task to
+a special routine called an interrupt handler or an exception handler. The
+action taken by a processor in response to an interrupt is referred to as
+servicing or handling the interrupt or exception.
+Interrupts can occur at regular intervals or randomly during the execution of a
+task or software routine in response to signals from hardware, such as requests
+from peripheral devices. Interrupts can also be generated by software by calling
+the `INT` instruction.
+Exceptions occur when the processor detects an error condition while executing
+an instruction. For instance, the processor could detect that a program is
+requesting a page that is currently not mapped, generating a page fault.
+When an interrupt is received, the currently running task is suspended while the
+processor services the interrupt or exception. Upon completion of the interrupt
+handler, execution is returned to the suspended task without loss of continuity.
+If the exception cannot be handled or the exception handler does not return, a
+double fault is generated. If a further exception is encountered while servicing
+the double fault, it is considered an unrecoverable error and the processor is
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+# Memory Management
+This chapter describes the Vertex-32 and Vertex-64 architecture's memory
+management facilities, including physical memory requirements and paging.
+## Memory Management Overview
+The Vertex family of processors provide facilities to perform demand-paged
+paging algorithms. Although recommended for most applications, the paging
+mechanism can be disabled and memory can then be access directly. Segmentation,
+such as what is found on Intel's x86 architecture, is not supported.
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+title: Vertex Architecture Manual
+subtitle: A KISS Architecture
+ - Danny Holman
+ - Jon Sanderson
+date: June 14, 2022